Friday, December 26, 2008

Let's talk about Christmas.

It was good.
That's it.
End of post.

This is Lilli jumping in Pepere's truck. that was part of the Christmas evening entertainment.

OK I will tell you about it.
Dec 24th: Christmas Eve: Normand thought it would be cool to cut his hand open so he'd need to get stitches. He was in the ER (waiting room mostly) for 6 hours. Right through dinner. We didn't have a really special dinner plan, but we probably would have eaten at a table and on plates. It's cool, the kids ate what they love (Lilli-PBJ; Sage -Mac and Chz; both from the Target cafe) and Norm had Fried chicken from Popeye's and a sub from Subway. I had a soft pretzel with nacho cheese dip and I love that, but usually not as a holiday dinner substitution. We went home, and went right to bed.

Santa came

Dec 25th: At 4am both children woke up. Luckily, I had put in the DVD "Space chimps" before I went to bed, so we just started that, and the kids stayed in bed and watched the movie until they fell back to sleep. I guess we got up around 8, but it was by Normand's doing to the best of my recollection. Just to be clear, I was not the first one up or the one to wake everyone. I think I was the 2nd to last up and out of bed (G-dad was last). Lilli sped through her presents. I kept telling her to slow down, but she got them all open in the time it took Sage to open 1/2 of his. Sage "made out like a bandit" to put it in Norm's words. Mainly he just got a bunch of trucks and trains (and later Airplanes and Helicopters). But he lines them all up and takes them all everywhere he goes. Today, for example, I had to bring them to work with me. I was thinking we'd bring a truck 2 planes a book and a few movies. We ended up bringing 7 large trucks, 1 train, 4 tiny cars, 3 helicopters, and 2 airplanes. Plus the 4 movies and 2 books, and Lilli's stuff.

Though we planned to have a lovely Christmas breakfast, Normand was anxious to get going (out to his parents'). So dad made some cinnamon rolls and bacon (and possibly the rest of breakfast but I didn't see) and the kids ate bacon and I had a roll, then we left. Then we went there, and had some lunch, which was really good. Then we went to Norm's grandma's for a little while, then come back to his parents' and had dinner. We ate lasagna for
Christmas dinner.
Above is Sage playing the drums, really well for a 2 year old.
Left: This is Lilli in a tree, like a partridge, but not, and I don't know if it's a pear tree, but maybe...

All day, neither child took a nap, so around 8 Sage got too restless and we went home. The kids played a lot and it was an enjoyable day. I have a few cute pictures, but NO FAMILY PICTURES still. Here's one I like. I mean it could be better, but it could be way worse.


Kasey Strong said...

I just read some of your comments on my blog and realized that you've commented a lot more than I noticed. So thank you. And I'm glad you posted pictures about your Christmas adventures, it looks like you guys had a nice time. And you even posted one of yourself, yay! By the way, today is your birthday. Have a happy one, enjoy your Cinderella cake!

Kasey Strong said...

I've been doing a lot of posting and no one has commented. If you wanna help me out and make me feel like people care about me, that would be alright.